Building Heating Options
Heating and cooling our homes creates comfort for our families and us around home. Sadly, many of us have seen or lived personally through wearing thick winter jackets inside the house, as we could not afford to heat them. Having a warm house comes down to several factors: size and position of windows to allow natural sunlight and warmth inside the house with minimal heat loss, insulation to keep the heat inside the house, energy efficient appliances or heating system and a heating system suited to your circumstances. Missing or ineffective strategies for gaining and keeping a warm house; like not being able to harvest the warmth of the sun or being able to trap the heat in the house; does not mean it is impossible to heat your home- it just makes it more expensive.
In this section we look at the actual heating and cooling/ ventilation systems that are in line in working with circular principles: systems that use renewable or recycled resources or technologies that are more efficient than regular technologies, therefore saving resources for you in running and the planet. Many of our homes in NZ have mold. According to BRANZ research the indication is not that our homes are too humid, but that our homes are too cold. Keeping your home warm is good for the health of your family and building. According to the WHO living areas should be kept at a minimum of 18- 20 degrees Celsius (minimum of 20 for children and elderly).
There are generally two types of heating systems: a central heating system, where one heating device heats up water or air, which can be circulated into every room to heat up the entire home. The other system is a decentralized heating system, where every room has an independent heater, which is not connected to a main heating device.
Different heater types require a different amount of energy to bring your house to the same temperature. The more energy required, the more expensive it is to run the heater. As a generalization: an air heater needs the most energy and a far infrared heater the least. Radiators are in between. Different heating options are best used in different situations. Get in touch with us to find yours.